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Nice to meet you,
My name is Fabienne Levasseur. Parisian by birth, I currently live in Africa.
Expatriate and nomadic entrepreneur since almost 17 years old, I am the happy mother of 3 little girls.
During my life as a young girl, woman and mother,
during my expatriations and my many "new lives",
during my exchanges with other women quite simply, I became aware of the importance of BEING.
I realized as Oly E, how our appearance, far from being superficial is a powerful vector of communication and expression. He is important to know how to make it evolve harmoniously according to the major stages of our life according to our needs, our changes and our aspirations.
As a mother, I realized that it was possible to accompany my daughters in discovering their image in order to help them become young women who are fulfilled and feel good about themselves.
By discovering the consultant business image, I have found an exciting job, meaning borrowing, humanity, authenticity and values. I decided to train in Paris with the ESR .
After graduating, I devoted all my energy to giving birth to my new project, the "Chic & Ethical" image and harmony consulting agency. Created by a woman for women, my mission is to reveal
with accuracy and daring, the personality and the beauty of each of us.
Why Chic?
I like this word because it symbolizes French fashion around the world: elegance and distinction.
Why Ethics?
The pollution of the fashion sector and the human exploitation of this sector unfortunately no longer needs to be demonstrated. Without wanting to continue to feed this system, it is nevertheless necessary to continue to dress. The good news is that it is becoming easier and more accessible to consume in a conscious and respectful way.
This is why I offer you as a priority responsible, innovative brands, eager to change the lines of fashion while respecting people and our environment.
Together, let's go further!
May your day be beautiful,
Your Image & Harmony coach
Mes missions spéciales
Apprendre aux femmes et aux jeunes filles à se mettre en valeur en faisant voler en éclat les diktats de la mode et de la beauté.
Former les mamans "aux essentiels" du conseil en image afin qu'elles accompagnent leur fille vers la découverte de leur corps et de ce qui est bon et beau pour elles.
Together, let's go further ...
Chic & Éthique was created by a woman for women.
My Image & Harmony coaching has been designed to boost your self-confidence, offering you the total freedom to flourish and express yourself through your image.
Together, let's go further ...
All the players in fashion and well-being with whom I collaborate have a strong ethical approach, namely;
responsible ecological and civic consumption, beneficial for our economy, good for our health and which is part of a positive approach for our company.
Together, let's go further ...
Children fit in their sneakers!
Let's create a virtuous circle by including in our education the fundamentals of image consulting so that our children also learn to love themselves and grow well in their bodies, well in their heads!
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